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Static stability helicopter

Static stability helicopter. > 0. ). The Cessna 172 is a great example. This chapter covers basic aerodynamics, aircraft stability, dynamic response, longitudinal and lateral control and response, powered flying controls, stability augmentation systems and helicopter flight control. Simulink. The helicopter will be stable if after equilibrium is disrupted stabili­zing moments Lateral stability of an airplane takes place around the longitudinal axis, which is from the airplane’s nose to its tail. The table contains static, manoeuvre and dynamic considerations along the flight envelope. The stability that causes an aircraft to return to a condition of straight and level flight after it has been disturbed from this condition. Oct 20, 2022 · An aircraft's static stability is an important measure of its handling characteristics, and whether it can be flown with ease and comfort by a human pilot. 2 Directional static stability. Specifically, if a virtual change in the configuration variables is imposed, the static forces react in a direction to restore the original configuration. 4) and autopilots (Chap. For example, reduction of Sep 26, 2023 · Embark on a journey into the world of aircraft stability with this captivating YouTube video. In order to achieve higher levels of maneuverability and efficiency, future aircraft will operate. Dynamic Airplane Stability. 7500 stability = staticStability(aircraft,state) calculates the static stability stability of a fixed-wing aircraft aircraft at an Aero. There are two main types of stability: stati Extract. This class includes a brief review of applied aerodynamics and modern approaches in aircraft stability and control. One of the key factors in the Wright brothers’ achievement of building the first heavier-than-air aircraft was their insight that a functional airplane would require a mastery of three disciplines: Lift. Download Course. 1 Introduction and scope 87 3. Static stability criteria for the three rotational modes of the aircraft (pitch, roll, and yaw) must be considered individually. 3 to 0. Bossert Wayne F. Quaternions navion_1. Stated in terms of static margin, the stability criterion becomes S. Static stability: with the pitch stick held at a fixed position, an aircraft is statically stable if the aircraft has a tendency to return to its original position after The static stability of a rotary‐wing aircraft is established by observing its immediate response following a disturbance from a trimmed flight condition. Figure 3: The location of the cg ahead of the center of lift results in a stable aircraft in pitch Apr 18, 2016 · The important characteristic therefore is a degradation of longitudinal static stability with respect to incidence, at high forward speed in combination with an aft CG position. • Stability and Control: in which the short- and intermediate-time response of the attitude and velocity of the vehicle is considered. These results are applied to the study of the regulation of the longitudinal dynamics of aircraft Helicopter Off-Axis Control Responses - The article discusses off-axis control responses in a traditional helicopter, including pitch, roll and yaw responses to collective, cyclic and pedal controls. • Steady-level flight means an aircraft in equilibrium. 3 Static Stability An airplane is said to be statically stable if, following a disturbance, Nov 27, 2014 · A quick revision video for Swansea University #EGA302A aircraft design students on the basic concepts of aircraft longitudinal static stability Cross-couplings. If an aircraft is statically stable, it may or may not be dynamically stable. The stability derivatives discussed so far have been direct terms - that is, the moment produced in a given axis due to motion/displacement in that axis. In the helicopter we need to consider the main rotor and flap back. The problem of establishing under what conditions static stability is sufficient has recently been considered in Ref. Euler Angles. Feb 16, 2016 · This results in the pilot having to constantly act on the tail deflection to maintain the airplane aloft or, in the worst case, ground rolling is immediately followed by a nose up and stall at take-off with likely loss of the airplane. Dec 1, 1991 · 1 Introduction. A low positive static margin is normally associated with highly maneuverable aircraft. Table 1: Longitudinal Design-Constraining Conditions. • Static Stability: An aircraft is statically stable if there is an initial tendency for it to return to its trim condition after an angular displacement or a change in transnational velocity from that condition. Dynamic Stability. A quick consideration of the signs convention will yield the stability criterion for C n β - which is the yaw stiffness - sometimes called the weathercock derivative: A positive Static Longitudinal Stability: Conceptual Description Nose-Up Configuration Regarding the equilibrium point αE = − CM0 CMα. Man-stab is your plane's response during Abstract. – C. When it comes to flying, there are three force components and three-moment components. Roll: statically unstable. If one wing is lower than the other, good lateral stability will tend to bring the wings back to a level flight attitude. close to or even beyond open loop stability boundaries. Since all aircraft are required to fly with zero sideslip in the yaw sense, positive directional stability is designed in from the outset. Jan 23, 2021 · This video is lesson 6 in our Private Pilot Ground Course, which will prepare you for your FAA written exam. If an airplane is longitudina lly stable, it will retur n May 4, 2020 · This is called negative static stability. Before learning the Dutch Roll, one must first grasp lateral and directional stability. 5, C Static stability is the ability of a robot to remain upright when at rest, or under acceleration and deceleration. 9. As the first step of a program to provide some basic detailed information regarding the dynamic stability characteristics of tilt-wing configurations, static and dynamic lon- gitudinal stability derivatives were determined for a powered The tail volume (1) : a condition for stability ? First the definition LAElev: The elevator's Lever Arm measured at the wing's and elevator's quarter chord point MAC : The main wing's Mean Aerodynamic Chord AreaWing: The main wing's area AreaElev: The elevator's area Wing Wing Elev Elev MAC Area LA Area TV × × = LAElev Apr 8, 2016 · If the centre of gravity of any aeroplane or glider is at the aerodynamic centre of the entire aircraft, neutral static stability is the result For this reason, the aerodynamic centre of an aeroplane is termed the neutral point Figure 12. For an aircraft with a fixed vertical tail, the aircraft static directional stability derivative is determined by adding wing, fuselage, and vertical tail contributions. Although the static directional stability of an aircraft is fully described by Equation 7. Static Stability 215 In general, the most restrictive forward cg limit occurs on land-ing approach with flaps down (highest CLmax) and in ground effect where the downwash angle at the horizontal tail is about half that in free flight. Therefore, a statically unstable airplane will also be dynamically unstable. May 1, 2000 · Longitudinal static stability involves maneuvering (traditionally called "maneuvering stability" or "man-stab") and non-maneuvering (traditionally called "long-stab" or "long-stat") flight. M,ac is the aircraft pitching moment at L = 0 around any point. [Figure 1] Neutral static stability—the initial tendency of the aircraft to remain in a new condition after its equilibrium has been disturbed. If the said aircraft is also dynamically stable, the amplitude of its motion will reduce with time. g. Flight testing of lateral-directional static stability involves measurement of rudder and Apr 1, 2017 · Dynamic stability. [Figure 1] . during cruise so all forces Aircraft Stability. G y = QI y - PR(I,'- I x) + (P 2 Static stability refers to the initial response of an aircraft when disturbed from a given attitude or flight path Dynamic stability The word dynamic refers to movement, and the expression dynamic stability refers to response of an AC tending to corect any displacement from its flight path or attitude over a period of time Static Stability ¶. Static margin is a convenient non-dimensional measure of the aircraft’s stability. Primarily in this chapter, we will be concerned with the static stability of the aircraft which is defined as the tendency of an aircraft, following an external disturbance (e. The aerodynamic characteristics of turboprop aircraft are greatly affected by the running propellers. To see an example using Simulink. 3. Additionally, the static longitudinal stability and Then, you will read about a new aircraft design and identify the type of stability it exhibits and propose design alterations to improve stability. The example used was the ball in a cup, as shown below. In yaw, it will weathervane in the hover. Aug 13, 2021 · The blended wing body (BWB) aircraft as a novel aircraft configuration has a poor longitudinal static stability. Dynamic stability characteristics are dominated by the long-period Jan 7, 2021 · If the aircraft has static stability, it will immediately seek its equilibrium state. 6 Chapter review 84 Chapter 3 Modelling helicopter flight dynamics: building a simulation model 3. The suitable static longitudinal stability must be primarily based on a positive control movement, which is described as "control sense of motion" in AC 29. May 21, 2021 · Directional stability requires a restorative yawing moment to point the nose back into the freestream when perturbed by a sideslip angle. Static stability is the capability of the helicopter to restore disturbed equilibrium by itself after removal of the factors causing this disturbance. A large static margin suggests an aircraft which is very stable and not very maneuverable. Can be up to 1. Oct 30, 2020 · Longitudinal stability of an aircraft can be defined as the te ndency of the aircraft nose to pitch up o r pitch do wn. When an aircraft is disturbed from straight and level flight, its static stability starts it back in the correct direction; but it overshoots, and the corrective forces are applied in Dec 1, 2010 · Abstract. Iowa State University Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback Control Thomas R. Roll stability involves a wing-leveling tendency when the aircraft experiences a perturbation to the bank angle. A V-tail is installed on the BWB to improve the longitudinal static stability, which achieves the limited improvements. 12. Stability in forward flight: Pitch: statically unstable, unless a horizontal stabiliser is mounted which provides static and dynamic stability increasing with forward velocity. I An aircraft is “nose-up” when α > 0. Inlet effects can be included (organizational dependent) Typical numbers are in range of 0. The static stability of an aircraft is generally the first type of stability that a designer evaluates in a new aircraft configuration. Includes installation effects such as. For a helicopter, this can include rearwards Directional Stability ¶. This is a very easy to follow lesson about what 7. Oct 26, 2023 · 4) Positive dynamic stability. 4 ANALYSIS OF LONGITUDINAL STATIC STABILITY Longitudinal static stability is only a special case for the total equations of motion of an aircraft. LookupTables, open the Analyze State-Space Model for Linear Control and Static Stability Analysis example. For a defined "trim" flight condition, changes and oscillations occur in these parameters. M,cg. Typically static stability can has a simple and useful physical interpretation and therein lies its importance. A statically and dynamically stable airplane is generally easier to fly and control. The aerodynamic angle relating to yaw movement is \ (\beta\). Propulsion. This method calculates static stability from changes in body forces and moments due to perturbations of an aircraft state. lb of fuel burned (lb of thrust delivered)(hour) Measure of jet engine effectiveness at converting fuel to useable thrust. is aft of the wing aerodynamic center. stability reduces approximately to the requirement that the pitch stiffness is negative Mar 18, 2018 · Abstract. • Trim: An aircraft is trimmed in steady flight when the resultant forces and moments on the aircraft are zero. One design characteristic that tends to give an airplane good lateral stability is called dihedral. 5. Updated: Oct 6, 2022. An airplane must be statically stable to be dynamically stable, i. In this paper, propeller slipstream effects on the static lateral-directional stability characteristics of a typical twin-engine turboprop aircraft with clockwise rotating propellers were investigated through unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel Some static longitudinal stability characteristics of an overlapped-type tandem-rotor helicopter at low airspeeds. Adapted from Franchini and García [ 3 ]. under disturbance. The study of static stability clearly demonstrates a sufficient requirement for stability. Define each kind of static stability. 264. Figure 7. Longitudinal stability — the stability of an 3. Particular emphasis has been placed on aircraft with relaxed static stability and on the use of active augmentation systems to achieve the mini-mum requirement for a level of safety in such aircraft. Static stability is attitude stabil­ity. The aerodynamic angle relating to yaw movement is β. Jan 3, 2023 · As we discussed earlier, the aircraft static stability is the opposition of the aircraft to any flight disturbance. To define non-linear dynamic behavior of a fixed-wing aircraft, define Simulink. It is often the case that aircraft longitudinal static stability reduces Positive static stability—the initial tendency of the aircraft to return to the original state of equilibrium after being disturbed. Of the six equations of motion, longitudinal static stability is concerned with only one, the pitch equation, describing the aircraft's motion about the y axis. Identify the aircraft structures that contribute to static stability around Stability: Tail Contribution and Static Margin: Download Verified; 6: Problems : Stability and Wing Contribution Completed: Aircraft Handling Qualities: Download 4 evaluation of highly augmented aircraft covered by Parts 23 and 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. This is called subsidence. Feb 21, 2017 · Helicopters are aerodynamically unstable in pitch and roll in the hover, as illustrated in this answer. In particular, the longitudinal dynamic stability of a statically stable aircraft will determine whether or not it is finally able to return to its original position. Topics covered include static stability and trim; stability derivatives and characteristic longitudinal and lateral-directional motions; and physical effects of the wing, fuselage, and tail on aircraft motion. Contributions to pitching moment about cg, C come from. 151, two optimal controllers are designed, based on a 6-DOF quasi-static model and on a model that included the rotor tip-path-plane tilt dynamics. This is termed longitudinal static stability (pitch stability) and is one of the hallmarks of a safe and stable airplane. bleed air for cabin, electric generator, etc. 175 for visual flight rules (VFR) operations, and Appendix B to part 29 sections IV and VII—Airworthiness Criteria for Helicopter Instrument Flight, are inadequate for the Bell 525 because the longitudinal flight control laws for the Bell 525 provide neutral and negative static Lateral static stability is concerned with the ability of the aircraft to maintain wings-level equilibrium in the roll sense. This helps to stabilize the lateral or rolling effect when one wing gets lower than the wing on the opposite side of the airplane. assumed to be in quasi-static equilibrium. Directional static stability is concerned with the ability of the aircraft to yaw or weathercock into wind in order to maintain directional equilibrium. G y = QI y - PR(I,'- I x) + (P 2 Directional stability refers to the aircraft’s ability to maintain a stable attitude in yaw or heading. Stability considers the response of the vehicle to Feb 25, 2016 · Helicopter Static Stability. Document ID. It is often the case that aircraft longitudinal static. Yechout with Steven L. (3. Placing a ball in the bottom of a bowl which is the right way up and then moving it from the base up one side and letting go will, after Jun 21, 2022 · Static Airplane Stability Vs. Thats a Jan 23, 2016 · Control and Stability of Aircraft. 4. The longitudinal axis of an aircraft is more or less a straight line through the aircraft's nose cone or prop hub and the endpoint of the fuselage (the aircraft's center of gravity will usually lie along or just slightly above/below this line as well). The 6th and beyond add a layer of quantification for a deeper Summary. The difference is small but significant. Static stability may also refer to: In aircraft or missiles : Static margin — a concept used to characterize the static stability and controllability of aircraft and missiles. Any moment (or force) caused due to motion/displacement about another axis is proportional to a cross-coupling derivative. One of the major factors that affect dynamic stability is the amount of damping in the system. ) 6 Aircraft Longitudinal Dynamics Matrix Diagonalization lecture4. This is to establish the background to fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control (Chap. And a more hands off, stable airplane, is good for almost anybody, especially when you're 9. 2. Aerodynamic center (ac): forces and moments can be completely specified by the lift and drag acting through the ac plus a moment about the ac. May 18, 2022 · Any time the aircraft’s nose pitches up, the wing will provide a restorative moment that will tend to bring the nose back down. There are three categories of static stability that we can describe qualitatively; statically The \(C_{{n_{\beta } }}\) is a non-dimensional stability derivative, and is referred to as the directional static stability derivative (also yaw-stiffness derivative). Moreover, Frink [13] presented a systematic study through which to guide the Feb 7, 2022 · ABSTRACT. If there is a disturbance and the aircraft moves, a small wind is generated which causes the advancing blade to flap up, the disk tilts and the rotor thrust leans over providing a force that moves the helicopter back to where it was. State state. This chapter relates to the stability seen by the pilot, as opposed to the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. , the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 2 The formulation of helicopter forces and moments in level 1 modelling 91 3. 2) cM0 c M 0, cMα c M α, and cMδ c M δ depend on the geometry and the aerodynamics of the aircraft. 14: Longitudinal stability. If you face a pilot with the same question, most likely you will be shown the typical “marble in the Stability derivatives, and also control derivatives, are measures of how particular forces and moments on an aircraft change as other parameters related to stability change (parameters such as airspeed, altitude, angle of attack, etc. For longitudinal stability, the static response is concerned with the aircraft pitching motion - so the parameter of interest is the pitching moment. 8). However, a statically stable aircraft is not necessarily dynamically stable. PART 1 - FUNDAMENTALS 1. On January 23, 2016 · In Aerodynamics, General Aerospace. A study of the effect of canard to Baseline-II blended wing-body aircraft is presented here with emphasis on investigating contributions of canard's various setting angle to aerodynamic parameters and longitudinal static stability. But within these categories, there are even more subcategories, such as: Positive Static Stability. The results obtained in this latter work will be used as a comparison for the validation of the mid-fidelity approach proposed in the present paper. In Ref. 173A contained in AC 29-2C. 2 7. m 4 Aircraft Dynamics 5 Aircraft Dynamics (cont. May 22, 2024 · The relevant regulations in part 29, which are §§ 29. W May 21, 2024 · rotorcraft to be shown to have suitable longitudinal stability and acceptable rotorcraft handling qualities. If you ask an aerospace engineer, what the fundamental requirement for static longitudinal stability of an airplane is, he or she will tell you that “Cm-alpha needs to be negative”. Aircraft SS (Longitudinal) Wing/Tail Contributions 3 Coordinate Systems. It is vital to assess longitudinal static stability to ensure that an aircraft remains level. Aircraft Control: A Stability Analysis 3. This is also reflected in a degradation of dynamic stability under the same flight conditions. The Oct 29, 1998 · direction to restore the original configuration. In Figure 7. Aircraft with positive dynamic stability have oscillations that dampen out over time. 10 shows the results if the centre of gravity is at behind or in front of the neutral point in a disturbance. The pitching moment coefficient is The coefficients of Equation ( 7. It is shown that the problem is solvable except at parameter values associated with bifurcation of the equilibrium equations and that such bifurcations are inherently linked to the system zero dynamics. An airplane’s stability is defined as its capacity to return to its original state following a disruption (pilot command or external effects like gusts). Definitions of stability and control terms are discussed, as are the usual tests for determining whether an aircraft’s response is airworthy. Stability is the aeroplane's ability to correct its flightpath for conditions like turbulence or control inputs. 1 Apparent Longitudinal Static Stability, CG Range Nov 15, 2021 · In this combined experimental and numerical study, the propeller–airframe aerodynamic interaction is characterized for an aircraft configuration with propellers mounted to the horizontal tailplane. This concept is easily illustrated by the ball and bowl analogy. Negative Static Stability. Now that you've gotten static stability down, let's talk dynamic. Join us as we explore the intricate dynamics that govern the st 5. , a prerequisite for dynamic stability is static stability. Both arise from your airplane's pitch response to an angle of attack change, but they are assessed differently. Dynamic stability is how your airplane responds to a disturbance over time. There are four main design factors which make an airplane stable laterally chapter will discuss static and dynamic stability, and minimum airworthiness codes that define acceptable ranges and responses. Hallgren IAA EDUCATION SERIES Joseph A. A quick consideration of the signs convention will yield the stability criterion for \ (C_ {n_\beta}\) - which is the yaw stiffness - sometimes called quasi-static stability derivative is the steady-state AM divided by both the constant-perturbation Aw and the pitch-axis inertia ly. We see what is stability and types of Stability on an Aircraft. Apr 1, 2023 · William Brookes, April 2023. Longitudinal stability and control links control in speed, altitude and normal acceleration. Apr 28, 2017 · Longitudinal stability could be described as the tendency for the aircraft to return to its original position after an external event has changed the Angle of Attack $α𝛂$. Dec 28, 2023 · Static Stability. e. Since all aircraft are required to fly with The stability is a property related with the state of equilibrium, which studies the behavior of the aircraft when any of the variables describing its state of equilibrium suffers from a variation (for instance a wind gust). 9. Directional stability refers to the aircraft’s ability to maintain a stable attitude in yaw or heading. Neutral Static Stability. 173(b), 29. For most aircraft, longitudinal dynamic stability is assured if the static margin is positive. . Therefore, the BWB is investigated to further improve the longitudinal static stability with experimental tests and numerical simulations in this paper. I, by means of two-parameter stability diagrams. The stability can be studied in two Static Stability. A model needs to be formulated than can account for the combined effect of the wing, horizontal stabiliser, the elevator, and the aircraft weight therereupon. Conditions for the design of longitudinal control effectors (which have the strongest effects for a relaxed static stability aircraft) are presented in Table 1. Positive Static Stability. The static stability is a pre-requisite to the dynamic stability; the aircraft dynamic stability requires the aircraft to be statically stable. M. Thus, when designing an aircraft, we Nov 24, 2018 · Secrets of stability: Cm-alpha. Accepted design practice for most aircraft has been to achieve some degree of convention when analyzing static longitudinal stability and control, the positive direction of the x-axis is taken to be aft;1thus, e. Control Effector Analysis. FixedWing. Wing dihedral is the most visible parameter which confers lateral static stability on an aircraft, although there are many other contributions, some of which are destabilising. Static stability is significant for determining the allowable range of center of gravity positions, which defines the loading limit for the aircraft. All of the above descriptions of stability can be either static or dynamic. It is the axis around which the aircraft rolls, controlled by the ailerons. If the black ball starts at the bottom of the cup and is then moved up the side and released, the ball will start moving downhill back towards its starting point. Poor stability 80 The rotor as a control filter 81 Artificial stability 81 2. Positive static - Neutral static - Negative static - 2. It should be noted that these fundamental arguments relate to rigid blades. Sep 18, 2003 · Aircraft Moments. Morris David E. When we talk about airplane stability, we can break it down into two main categories: static and dynamic. Here’s what each means: – Static Stability. 1 C Static Directional Stability or Weathercock Stability n * ' — e Static directional stability is defined as the initial tendency of an aircraft to return to, or depart from, its equilibrium angle of sideslip (normally zero) when disturbed. ) 5. 1) contributes to a positive (nose-up) pitching moment for positive lift when the c. 1 Main rotor 93 Blade flapping dynamics – introduction 93 Aug 10, 2022 · American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200 Reston, VA 20191-5807 703. Positive Dynamic Stability. • Typically, we prefer an aircraft with nose-upin steady-level flight. The first 5 videos go into a qualitative understanding of pitch stability, starting from where we left off in the series on airfoils. A couple (no pun intended) of these derivatives will The authors formulate and solve a regulator problem for nonlinear parameter-dependent dynamics. By default, all coefficients are 0. This chapter covers flight test determination of both the static and dynamic longitudinal stability of the aircraft. Apr 19, 2005 · Static stability is about what initially happens if an aircraft is disturbed from some steady starting point. LookupTable coefficients. This Chapter will discuss static and dynamic stability, and minimum airworthiness codes that define acceptable ranges and Here we look at the response of an Airplane in flight after it is subject to a disturbance. static derivatives is found to give a deceptive impression of greater aircraft stability, because the regressing flapping mode is neglected. [1] It is an important aspect of the handling qualities of the aircraft, and one of the main factors determining the ease with which the pilot is able Definitions. LookupTables are not used in this example. Positive static stability is the initial tendency to return to an undisturbed state after a disturbance. Lateral Stability (Rolling) Stability about the airplane's longitudinal axis, which extends form nose to tail, is called lateral stability. Here the issues are maximum and minimum flight speeds, rate of climb, maximum range, and time aloft (endurance). M,ac. m 7 Approximate Longitudinal Dynamics Models 8 Aircraft Lateral Dynamics TSFC. , a gust) to return to the undisturbed condition. General analysis of static stability. (To be strictly correct, the stability derivative is the limit of this quantity as Aw + 0; however, practical considerations generally require an assessment of linearity by varying the size of Aw. Mar 8, 2024 · calculation of aircraft static and dynamic stability derivatives when using the SACCON UCAV configuration as a benchmark. The contributions of the propeller and airframe to the overall loading are distinguished in the experimental analyses by using a combination of external balance and internal load cell data unavailability of representative values of the static and dynamic stability derivatives for V/STOL aircraft. Schetz Series Editor-in-Chief Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia Published by Dec 7, 2020 · In this series, we focus on pitch stability in typical SAE Aero Design and Design/Build/Fly aircraft, using SOLIDWORKS for airplane model examples. Helicopter Stability - This article discusses helicopter static and dynamic stability, including phugoid and Dutch roll behavior. Lift and C. What it really means is that you can fly more hands off, even in turbulence. 14 the coefficient of moments of two aircraft as a function of the angle of attack is shown for a given The longitudinal stability of an aircraft, also called pitch stability, [2] refers to the aircraft's stability in its plane of symmetry [2] about the lateral axis (the axis along the wingspan ). Static airplane stability is the initial and short-term response to a disturbance of the aircraft’s trajectory. The variation in one of those variables is typically referred to as perturbation. By default, these states are airspeed, angle of attack, angle of side May 5, 2015 · Dihedral is the upward angle of an aircraft's wings, which increases lateral stability in a bank by causing the lower wing to fly at a higher angle of attack than the higher wing. aj uu tx iz mn ng ub fg ea aq